Sunday, January 04, 2004

Third Post-Trip Blog: Horses and HeroClix

One of the best parts of my trip home was visiting Larry and Cindi, who just got another new horse. They got Chloe about a month ago, and got Private Prospect, a thoroughbred with 2 wins, while I was in town. Private is beautiful - check out some picures of them both, courtesy of Larry.

Liz and I had a great time hanging out with Larry and Cindi. Cindi made roast beast with gorganzola sauch, which is too good for words (and my waist). We watched Coupling, a seriously funny Britcom about people, well, getting together to have sex. It was hilarious in that dry, British humor way, and the chicks (especially the blonde, although I don't know her name) were not hard on the eyes, either. It's basically a riff on Friends, but with less drama and more sex. Notably, it stars Jack Davenport, who played the stuffy Norrington in Pirates of the Caribbean. After that, we took a spin on their new dartboard, and Liz accomplished the impossible by jamming a blunt-ended, plastic-tipped dart into their drywall.

The next day, Larry and I ran the Tulsa Mega-Huge Christmas HeroClix event. We conceived of this event back in October, when I knew I was coming home and we were trying to figure out how to get all of my friends from different venues to meet in one place for a big event. We ended up running a charity event, and I brought a lot of my LEs to give out as prizes, and some extra factory sets that I found around the office. Everyone had a great time. The guy who took second place played some of the best 'Clix I've ever seen, and he tore a turtler to ribbons in the last round, which is always exciting (I hate turtlers about as much as I hate whiny rules-lawyers). It was a great afternoon. Larry's also posted some pictures of this event. I'm the one in the red "Magneto Was Right" shirt (as if you couldn't tell...)

Stay Tuned, more to come!

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