Saturday, January 31, 2004

Common Tater

What's "taters?" Nothing. I figured out how to add comments to this blog, so now you don't have to spend time to email me to tell me I'm a dipshit because I don't believe as you do, or that I'm so far off-base in my movie tastes that I might as well be on some crummy little Pacific island. Thanks to HaloScan for the free comment software.

Thanks to Amanda at the blog "Hot Abercrombie Chick!" for the link to HaloScan. Amanda's blog is one of the many I find at random when I sit down to do some blogging. I have a pretty short attention span as it is, and when I log into Blogger to make an entry, they always display the ten most-recently-updated blogs on the left part of the page. Inevitably, I try to visit one or two just to see what other human beings are up to at the same time I'm writing. Most of them are pretty lame, but occasionally I find a good one, or a just plain crazy one (and when I do, I try to link to it here). I admit, I checked out Amanda's blog because of the name (which, I might add, is appropriate), but stayed for the links to the commenting software and the nifty things she did with the template. I'm still screwing around with my template, trying to get it to look right, but it's not real high on my list of concerns. I doubt my web design skills will ever touch what they were when I knocked out The Original Pirate Ship, but I just don't know enough anymore to duplicate or expand upon that design.

Today started busy. Circuit City is delivering a loaner TV in an hour or so, and we're cleaning up for the Superbowl party tomorrow. Gigantor is taking it easy in the office room, covered with a sheet and looking very pathetic. I'm hoping to make it across the water today so I can pick up some comics and see what new gaming stuff has come out, and I'm gonna try to run to Kinkos because I've got a poster I want them to print for me (the third in the Lord of the Rings mini-posters series, that I had to make myself because they never published one). Then to Michael's to get the glass for it. I've already done two loads of dishes, cooked Liz breakfast, and cleaned up most of the apartment. In fact, I've never seen it look this good.

Oh, I should also mention my little exercise routine. I've started walking to work in the mornings. It's exactly 2.1 miles from my apartment to my office, and there are a couple of nice hills on the way, so it's a pretty brisk 30-minute to 40-minute jaunt. Mornings seem to work much better for me walk-wise, because when I did it in the evenings not only was it dark, but it really "woke me up" so I couldn't get to sleep very easily at night. Now, the walk can take the place of a cup of coffee or two, which is pretty bad for your metabolism anyway.

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