Wednesday, January 21, 2004

States of Unions

During my Skull & Bones game last night, my mom called to see what I thought of the President's State of the Union speech. To be honest, I'd forgotten all about it. So, I got up this morning and read a transcript of it. I didn't really know what to write - it seemed so bland and devoid of real content, blogging about it would have been a chore.

But, thanks to Mark Evanier, I noticed something else about Bush's speech. It wasn't what he said that was important, it was what he didn't say. Here's a list of words that did not appear in Bush's speech:

Osama. Environment. Haliburton. Mars. Global warming. Equality. Fairness. Enron. Withdraw.

But he did take a moment to deride and condemn "activist judges" (as if this were some kind of insult, that judges shouldn't be activists - and he had the balls to do this the day after Martin Luther King's 75th birthday). It was in reference to gay marriage, of course, and Bush went on to say that he wouldn't stand for judges who issue "court order[s], without regard for the will of the people and their elected representatives."

Except, of course, when those court orders stop voting recounts in Florida.

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