Monday, April 12, 2004

The Pain

Over the last week, I've developed an acute, constant pain in my lower back. It's on the right side, right above where my ass meets my back proper, maybe an inch to the right of my spine. And it shifts from mildly uncomfortable to cripplingly painful. When I do things with my right leg, such as attempt to stand after sitting on the ground, or adjust my position on the couch, it feels like someone has taken a sledgehammer and done some impromptu demolition work on my nerves in that area. Working theories:

1: Our couch sucks, and I spend a good deal of time on it, either eating a meal or watching movies. This may be solved by moving meals to the table and getting a new couch (expensive).

2: The chair in front of my computer sucks. It's an old kitchen chair that barely holds together. It's very hard and offers zero in the way of back support.

3: The chair in my office, until a week ago, also sucked. I swapped it out for a chair that actually offers back support, so now I have to teach myself not to slouch at work.

4: Our mattress is only about three years old, but it's possible that we've somehow screwed it up and every time I sleep on it, it complicates things.

So no reason to post this, other than to complain.

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