Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The Obligatory Political Post

I've been intentionally avoiding politics - or at least discussing politics here. There seemed to be a manner of shitstorm brewing in the other Washington, which has since been downgraded to a political wet fart - Condi Rice appeared before the 9-11 commission, was asked a few easy questions, and basically got off scott-free. Unlike the Whitewater investigation, which eventually asked Clinton about Monica shining his knob, the 9-11 commission still seems like it's focusing on 9-11 rather than the false pretenses for the current waste of life in Iraq. If they had been serious about that, perhaps they might have asked the oil tanker Condolezza Rice to testify as to how the Bush administration's ties to oil had nothing to do with invading the second-most oil-rich nation on earth.

And, as the election campaign heats up, people across the world are holding bake sales to raise funds to remove Bush from office, and the White House can't figure out what the hell is going on with allegations that the Saudis want to influence the election with oil (there's that oil word again), somehow Bush is ahead in the polls despite the fact that the majority of Americans don't seem to be judging him based on Iraq.

I haven't posted about this because there's really nothing to say. Bush lies. Kerry's a stiff. This is the most obviously corrupt administration since Ulysses S. Grant, and no one seems to give a shit.

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