Sunday, March 07, 2004

A Fine Saturday

Let's see: discovering Roman coins, getting bitchy with a movie theater manager, and buying comics and Fruit Loops. Not a bad day.

Got up this morning and went to see our accountant, who promises unfortold riches for a paltry $100 an hour. We'll see if it pans out.

Then headed to Hidalgo with Brook and Wendi. Not a bad movie. Predictable, but good. It took so long to get in the theater that Liz and I decided to try to sneak our sandwiches in. The manager busted me, so I informed him that he should be glad for my patronage considering I could pirate the fucking movie for less than the cost of the tickets and watch it on my comfy couch on the 50" LCD TV without having to listen to children who don't know how to shut the fuck up in a movie or people who cannot or will not turn off their cellphones. He gave me the "bitchy customer response." I'd feel better about the whole thing if I knew a short little theater manager wouldn't go take it out on his hapless employees. The trailer for Troy looked fucking great though.

Then I bought comics. Lots of cool stuff, including "The Escapist." I'm going to go read them in a minute.

Then went to Brook and Wendi's and hung out, played some Clue, and chilled. Got home and didn't feel like cooking. Picked up a brush for my ancient coins and some cheap olive oil. Olive oil is the way to go: I think the lemon juice was fucking up the coins. Out of the 30 coins I got, only 1 seems to be "bad." I'm probably going to skip the electrolosis and try the oil for a couple of months.

Now, I'm really tired, my eyes are getting cloudy, and I'm headed to bed. After I read some funnybooks.

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