Thursday, March 11, 2004

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

The old political struggle is starting to heat up. BushCo is going to sue liberal organizations over campaign finance laws, Kerry called Republicans "crooked," BushCo's ads are under attack from 9-11 survivors, and Americans are sick of the whole thing and each other. Conservatives think they can censor Howard Stern, while Liberals think that being down-and-out gives them the right to resort to childish attacks.

But I'd rather not blog about all this.

Rather, for the second time in a week, the White House has announced that we're now going to use high-tech means to find bin Laden. A few days ago, it was "we will begin looking for him 24/7."

What the fuck? You mean to tell me that, up until this point, we've only been looking for bin Laden during banker's hours? Or that we've been using old technology to try to find him? What, are they out there reading bumps on people's fucking skulls, but stopping for fucking tea?

The utter stupidity of this astounds me. If we weren't looking harder before, why? If we weren't at this 24/7, and using every piece of equipment at our disposal, then whoever's commanding this army is the greatest traitor in America. Not some Ann Coulter bullshit, but the Republican'ts in charge of this.

And if we have been doing this stuff all along, why announce it all over again? Are we preparing for the Great bin Laden Capture (just in time for re-election?)

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