Saturday, March 20, 2004

Crimson Skies

I finally loaded Crimson Skies into my new X-Box and gave it a serious spin. The game seems pathetically easy and a lot more arcade-combat style than air-sim combat style, but it looks great (the X-Box's High Def capabilities are amazing!) and it's a reasonable amount of fun.

The rest of my Saturday morning has been divided between a pretty ugly situation back in Tulsa and a pretty ugly situation among my company's online community. As usual (among the later - the former isn't a topic for public discussion), negativity, emotion, and sometimes out-and-out hatred reign. If there's one part of my job I absolutely hate, it's dealing with gamer geeks (like myself). Because, like myself, they are often negative in their responses, knee-jerk in their responses, and always convinced that they are right.

If there's one thing my job has done, it's taught me to re-examine my ways of looking at the entire world, and these folks in particular. I learned this somewhat at DHS, and I think it's an extremely valuable lesson - don't leap to judgments, don't assume the worst, and show a little freakin' empathy. I know that's difficult for a lot of people these days - hell, there are people in my office who would probably shrivel and die if I suggested this course of action to them - but it's really the only way to get along. Otherwise, you get mired in that negativity and eventually it eats you until there's nothing left. And that's not cool.

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