Thursday, November 27, 2003

Thanksgiving Day Shenanigans

As President Bush flew to Badhdad today for a surprise Thanksgiving "feast" / photo op with American soldiers, the Associated Press is reporting that the United States has arrested and imprisoned the wife and child of a suspected Iraqi rebel leader. If the was wasn't about Weapons of Mass Destruction, which was the first lie, then it sure was hell wasn't to liberate the Iraqis either - because arresting family members is one of the reasons why Saddam was so fucking bad in the first place. Congratulations and happy Turkey Day, Bush. You can't find Osama. You lied about Iraq's weapons. You can't find Saddam. And you imprison children just like the dictator you're supposed to be superior to.

You know what, George Dumbya Bush? Fuck you. Enjoy your last few months in office.

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