Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Movie: Undead

A few days ago, a trailer appeared on apple.com for a movie called Undead. I looked it up on IMDB: an Australian zombie comedy. It cost me less to order it on DVD from Australia than it would to buy two tickets to it when it comes here. Thank you, exchange rate!

Undead reminds me of Dead-Alive. There's a fairly silly plot that gets sillier as it goes along, gore and dismemberment and humor that keys off those things, and that strange humor from down-under that makes people like Yahoo Serious endearing for a few minutes. I'm still torn as to whether its a great zombie movie or not. Certainly its not bad, but I still keep coming back to Dead-Alive, which for me is kind of a second-tier zombie flick: good but not one I'd watch over and over. Certainly worth seeing, and there are some priceless moments in it, but the "WTF?" factor kicks in more than it should.

Its worth renting or watching on DVD, or buying if you're into the whole masses of crawling undead thing.

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