Monday, April 04, 2005

I Like The Pope

John Paul II, the only Pope I've ever known, is dead.

The media has quit giving the pathetic souls surrounding the Schiavo case time in the limelight to focus on a person whose accomplishments will be felt well beyond his time. And not a moment too soon. See post below.

John Paul II was inagurated eight days before I was born. He presided over the Church as I grew in the Catholic faith, lost it, regained it, and lost it again. Even though I haven't been to church in years, I still feel like a piece of my life - one of the supporting pillars of it, actually - is gone.

There's no need to go into his accomplishments or shortcomings. There's no need to discuss Catholicism today, whatever its state might be.

But I do feel just a little bit empty.

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