Saturday, April 02, 2005

Movie: Sin City

Yesterday I skipped out of work a little early to catch the last cheap-seat show of Sin City. To say this is one of the films I've been anticipating the most is an understatement; my expectations were incredibly high, and for the most part, they were met. It was a successful adaptation of the comic - frame by frame. The actors looked great and for the most part delivered their lines well (there were a couple of instances where they sounded a little too - as Jon put it - comic-book).

What I didn't leave the theater with was the feeling that I get when I'm simply overwhelmed by a film. Its a rare experience. It's the one where you don't look at your watch and you ignore the pain in your lower back because what's happening on screen is so damned interesting. I can count the number of movies where I've had this experience on one hand (OK, a hand and a half), and I wanted very badly to add Sin City to that list. I just couldn't.

It was great, though, and I'll see it again and probably a third time. I feel like I probably missed a lot of stuff. I want to appreciate the brilliant artistry without focusing as much on the action. Worth paying full price to see, it is. I hope you get the feeling I was looking for but didn't find.

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