Tuesday, September 11, 2007


It's safe to say Google Reader has completely changed how I receive information. I'm basically living in an RSS world now; Google Reader has become a second inbox where I obsessively look for updates on blogs, conversations and other sources of news (I love that my Xbox 360 activities are streaming through an RSS feed - say what you will about Microsoft and the Xbox 360, they hit a grand slam with the machine's Web 2.0 capabilities.) And the best part is, I can easily share interesting posts (see the new sidebar, which has - yes - supplanted my blogroll) and keep them for later - and as of a few days ago, I can search them too.

A long time ago I signed up for Del.icio.us, but haven't really used it for much. I gave it another look last night, and realized that I can stream my bookmarks as an RSS feed right into my Google reader, removing yet another degree of utility spread out over too many applications. Now I have a "Del.icio.us tag" button on Firefox, and when I read an interesting webpage it's a matter of tag, label, receive in RSS and share/store if I want.

What a great toy.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Indeed, Google Reader FTW!