Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Recommended Reading: Delta Green

Since I spent a considerable amount of time cooped up on aircraft this weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time reading. Jon loaned me the first collection of Delta Green short stories, and it blew me away.

Delta Green is a Call of Cthulhu setting where a vast government conspiracy is trying to fight against the usual Cthulhu horrors: Deep Ones, the Mi-Go, Colors Out of Space, etc. But the quality of these stories rocked my world. I was expecting the usual gamer fan-fiction, but the authors did an incredible job of nailing not only the mythos, but the grinding and complete horror at trying to fight it, and of humanizing the insanity knowledge causes. Standouts were Greg Stolze's Potential Recruit, hands-down probably the best Cthulhu-cult-ish story I've read, and Blair Reynolds' Operation Looking Glass.

I find myself thinking one of two things when I read a book: either "I can do better than this," or "damn, I wish I could do this." This Delta Green anthology was definately a "I wish..." book.

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