Monday, August 01, 2005

TV: Over There

Over There is FX's second kickass new series (the first being 30 Days by Super Size Me's Morgan Spurlock.) I finally got around to watching the first episode of Over There on the DVR tonight.

A few months ago, I made a declaration that good writing on TV is dead apart from cable shows like Deadwood and Carnivale.

I was wrong.

Over There takes no sides but the soldiers' side. It showcases the lives of eight soldiers sent to Iraq, fighting the war we're reading about in the headlines. I personally cannot account for its accuracy, but damn if it seems like they got it right. Rather than take opportunites to club the audience over the head with dialogue that "explains" what's going on and what the characters feel, the directors (wisely) let the actors carry themselves. Watching the subtle change in expression on a soldier's face after he kills his first insurgant - seeing a bit of his humanity fall away - was powerful stuff.

Not for the faint of heart, but highly recommended if you can watch it.

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