Sunday, February 27, 2005

Musical: Monty Python's Spamalot

Being that I was in New York eight days after Monty Python's Spamalot opened, it was my geekly duty to attend. So I procured a great ticket and attended after the last day of Toy Fair.

How was it you ask?

Let me put it like this: I would fly back to New York JUST to see this musical again.

It's not Holy Grail. The characters are (mostly) the same, there are some of the same scenes, and the plot begins in the same way, but Spamalot is a Pythonization of musicals both modern and classic. The jokes are great (and it's the first new Python material in quite a while, so Eric Idle had some time to prepare), and the songs - well, the songs demonstrate why last year's Team America: World Police is amateurish and poorly refined.

Tim Curry, David Hyde Pierce, and Hank Azaria were very much into the show, as was the rest of the cast. They were having fun, and it gave the show an unbelievable energy. The audience was having a great time too, singing along with familiar songs (and the cast invited us into a great sing-along after the bow). And their was audience particpation! "Behind the fourth wall" was one of the lines from a song. Even my program has a fake listing for the latest Finnish national musical... which of course is how Spamalot starts.

If you're a geek - or if you're a norm - see Spamalot. See it with the original cast. Today. Now. What are you waiting for? Stop reading this, and get your ticket!

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